Libraries and Advocates

Thank you for your interest in our National Speck Library Program and our Air Quality Advocate Program!

National Speck Library Program

Our goal for this national library program is to change the relationship between all citizens and the air pollution that affects their health. Together with you, we can take a major step in this direction by improving equitable access to Speck air quality monitors across the country.

Air Quality Advocate Program

Our goal for this program is to engage with awesome individual citizens to build a community of local experts for Speck and indoor air quality in general. Pairing this program with our National Library Program also has the added benefit of providing local support for libraries as they explore ways to introduce Speck to their patrons.

Please note that due to the extraordinary level of responses we received for these programs, we are no longer accepting new applicants. If you are interested in purchasing Specks for an education or community outreach program, you could be eligible for a discount - for more information please contact:

Participating Libraries